A New Colorado Housing Boom On the Horizon

Colorado’s supercharged upswing

In a reversal from the last few years, the housing market in several of Colorado’s resort counties is booming like never before. Propelled forward by a particularly good month at the end of 2012, Colorado is seeing rising prices and a steady influx of new home buyers. In fact, December of 2012 was the best month for the Colorado housing market in 5 years.


Although one of the contributors to this rise may have been the uncertainty about changes to the tax code in 2013, the house market has shown no signs of slowly down a quarter of the way into the year. Although the market at a whole is not where it was in 2007, experts say that things are looking positive in a big way.  In addition, a large market has opened up for new housing projects. Any time sales are good, developers are not far behind. An improving housing market goes hand-in-hand with construction projects, for both family homes and businesses.


In the article, “Colorado resorts’ housing market rebounds,” Jason Blevins of The Denver Post writes, “Realtors say the rebound was supercharged in the last few months of the year, with December sales ranking as one of the strongest since the boom times of 2007.” While we are not at the boom times, the area market does seem to be on a supercharged upswing of sorts.


Telluride, a ski resort, experienced a momentous December. Longtime broker T.D. Smith said, “There is definitely a recognition by people that they can buy in this market and they are not going to get hurt. People are tired of being tired. They are ready to move on and teach their children and grandchildren how to ski and fly-fish and be a part of the mountain environment.” Families want to move on with their lives, go onto the next chapter. They are sick of the uncertainty. Who can blame them? There is nothing more disheartening than a lack of construction in one’s life, physically and emotionally. We all long for progression and mobility. Thankfully, the market is improving. Let the construction begin!


What this means for 1-2-3 Door Shield®

An improving market means that housing construction projects should steadily rise throughout the rest of 2013 and beyond. With no much construction on the horizon, there has never been a better time to invest in re-usable construction protection systems.


One aspect that many do not consider is the protection of doors in the construction process, particularly in the final stages. Doors are vulnerable in every step of the construction process. By construction’s end, if not properly taken care of, they may show signs of wear and tear. This is no way to end a lengthy and costly building process. It is not a good feeling having a lengthy construction process tainted because of a banged-up door.


At Construction Protection Systems LLC, we have a variety of re-usable door shields that are perfect for any project. If you are in the Colorado area and are eager to begin this new era of housing development, contact our team for more information. We can provide you with the high level of protection that you demand for your construction projects.


For more information on the Colorado real estate market, you can find Blevins’ article here.




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